
Please consider making a donation to support our important work. With your support we can conserve more European landscapes for the future.

Online donations are easy to make and secure. For online donations, we use Paypal Donate. If you donate online, please click on the Donate button below. You will be directed to the Paypal Donate website, please follow the simple instructions given. Do do not need to have a Paypal account to donate. Your credit/debit card details are safe on their secure website, and Paisaia European Landscape Foundation does not see or handle any of your card data.

For donations of £50 or more and if you are a Jersey taxpayer, we can claim an extra 25% on top of your donation from Revenue Jersey. Once you have completed the Paypal action, please fill out this simple online form with your information. This form replaces the need to complete a paper R10 form.

    Please complete the form to enable us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation from Revenue Jersey.

    I hereby authorise Paisaia European Landscape Foundation to claim an extra 25% on top of my donation from Revenue Jersey.
    I confirm that I meet all the requirements for the lump sum donation scheme

    Alternatively, if you are a Jersey taxpayer, for all donations of £50 or more which are not done online, please complete the tax rebate form R10 as found on the Government of Jersey website,

    Once completed, please contact us via the contact page to receive instructions on how to send us the completed form.

    If you wish, you can also donate to Paisaia European Landscape Foundation through the “Deed of Covenant scheme”, whereby you pledge to donate to us a sum net of Jersey income tax for a period of at least five years. Each year, we can claim an additional 25% of your donation from Revenue Jersey. For more information on how to use the Deed of Covenant scheme, please visit

    if you live outside Jersey and depending on your country of residence, your donation to Paisaia European Landscape Foundation might reduce your taxable income, that means you might claim tax relief on your income tax declaration/annual tax return. As we cannot advise on the country-specific situation, please get in touch with the relevant tax authorities in your country or seek professional advice from your tax advisor.